We offer various levels of cybersecurity services. Because there is literally ZERO return on investment for security services, we felt it was very important to offer a basic level of service free of charge. It's not a gimmick, this is an incredibly valuable toolkit that will help you protect your organization better than the majority of the population is doing. We do offer additional services for a fee, but the free Toolkit is a HUGE step in the right direction.
The Toolkit is a great resource for all organizations with 10 or more employees who use company-provided technology in their day-to-day operations. Smaller organizations will also get value from these resources, but the larger the company, the more challenging it is to create a culture of security. And this culture/mindset change is exactly what we are targeting with the Toolkit.

That said, we have organizations with 3 employees using our Toolkit, and we also support organizations with hundreds of employees.

Criminals go after low hanging fruit. And cybercrime is growing exponentially. You ARE a target. Our Toolkit is designed to shrink that target and deter the criminals. We do this in many ways, but our primary goal is to help you create a security-minded culture in your organization. Criminals HATE security minded cultures. They prey on the uneducated, the unaware, and the unsuspecting.
Our experience shows that without coaching, most organizations cannot or will not implement the Toolkit. The seminar is the beginning of the coaching process, with 12 months of ongoing email/video coaching to follow. Cyber criminals are not amateurs. They are VERY GOOD at what they do. It is critical that the proper protections are in place, and done right
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